Head of Finance

Last date of application
 21-Jan-22 23:59 HR

Head of Finance, Mobile Creches, New Delhi


1. POSITION VACANT: Head of Finance, Mobile Creches, New Delhi


Mobile Creches (MC), is a highly respected and pioneering Indian NGO, operational since 1969. The organisation reaches early childhood care and development services to more than 20,000 marginalised young children each year, through workplace and urban crèches and daycare centres, in different cities of India. MC’s multi-pronged approach, comprising the delivery of quality services, capacity building, and Early Childhood Development (ECD) partnerships, facilitates access by young children and their working mothers, to overlapping rights of good health, adequate nutrition, early learning, and responsive caregiving, in a safe and caring environment.

In the strategic five-year period commencing April 2022, MC aims to accelerate access to quality ECD, by half a million children, by supporting sustainable childcare ecosystems, in partnership with government, civil society organisations, businesses, communities, parents and other key stakeholders. The organisation aims to grow its program portfolio and annual spending from Rs 12 crores to Rs 50 crores, during this period.

MC adheres to a strict safeguarding policy for children and vulnerable adults. All staff, volunteers, interns, vendors and consultants, working with the organisation, are required to be aware of, sign-off on, and comply with the policy.

For more details about MC, please visit: http://www.mobilecreches.org


Reporting to the Executive Director, the Head of Finance shall play a pivotal role in instituting robust financial systems and controls, compliance adherence, and maximising organisational resources. S/he shall also be responsible for charting financial direction, to complement organisational strategy.

The post-holder shall oversee the Finance and Accounts, Procurement and Supply, General Administration and IT functions, of the organisation.

Key Roles and Responsibilities:

(A) Governance:

(1) Ensure that the organisation’s financial and accounting systems, practices and controls, comply and meet with regulatory and policy mandated standards;
(2) Inform the Board/ Finance and Audit Committee (FAC) about pertinent financial issues and regulatory matters, and provide financial input for organisational review and evaluation;
(3) Present financial reports to MC’s FAC/ Board, giving factual oversight of the organisation’s financial health to enable appropriate, Board-level, decision making;
(4) Report to the FAC and seek support in developing appropriate policies to ensure high conformance and performance in financial planning and management.

(B) Strategy:
(1) Determine the strategic direction to be followed by MC to ensure its financial health and sustainability;
(2) Ensure strong governance systems for MC’s financial systems and procedures, so that its strategic plans are implemented with agility and real-time adjustments.

(C) Planning and Management:
(1) Lead financial planning, and monitoring and evaluation, ensuring that the organisation’s finances and budgets, are well-managed, and enhance its cost effectiveness;
(2) Work with the ED and the senior management team, to develop annual financial goals for the organisation;
(3) Oversee the preparation of annual operating budgets, regular financial monitoring, gap planning, reforecasting and reporting.

(D) Accounts and Audit:
(1) Oversee the preparation of books of accounts and generation of timely financial statements;
(2) Facilitate internal and statutory audit of donor projects and organisational finances; act upon audit observations to ensure adherence;
(3) Ensure all financial, taxation, audit, FCRA and related filings are done correctly, and on time, as per government norms.

(E) Systems and Controls:

(1) Ensure robust systems for organisational fiscal procedures, controls, and compliances;
(2) Administer fiscal systems that reflect operating activities, and align with internal budgets and grant stipulations;
(3) Adopt ERP and related cloud-based software, to ensure robust systems and statutory compliances.

(F) Investments:

(1) Oversee the investment of organisational funds and work with FAC members and investment experts to maximise MC’s financial health;
(2) Track, report and recommend investment portfolio diversification to the ED and FAC.

(G) Grant Management:

(1) Ensure timely information to help utilisation of funds as committed to donors; report to donors as per requirements;
(2) Oversee the preparation of regular financial reports that highlight budget versus actual spending to concerned donors and internal teams;
(3) Ensure systems and controls are in-place for sub-granting funds to partner organisations; due diligence conditions are met; and partners are aligned to statutory norms, donor approvals, and MC policies.

(H) Banking:

(1) Track and exercise oversight over MC’s banking operations, bank reconciliations, and other banking functions, paying special attention to FCRA banking stipulations;
(2) Ensure all banking operations are aligned to approved authorisation and approval matrices and regulatory requirements.

(I) Legal:

(1) Timely filing of applicable returns, including but not limited to ITR, FCRA, PF, TDS, GST, NDMC, other declarations, taxes etc.;
(2) Manage legal changes to remain compliant with applicable law with respect to financial, property, and other assets  of the Society.

(J) Procurement, Supply and General Administration:

(1) Ensure compliance with purchase policy;
(2) Oversee procurement and supply systems across the organisation; ensure updation of the Fixed Assets and Inventory Register;
(3) Oversee General Administration in relation to MC’s building, assets and overall support functions.

(K) Information Technology:

(1) Oversee smooth ERP integration to ensure statutory adherences, as well as agility across the organisation;
(2) Enable updation of ERP and other software required to make systems agile and transparent;
(3) Ensure optimal IT hardware and software availability across all MC functions.

(L) Team Capacity:

(1) Supervise finance, IT and administration personnel and relevant financial consultants, to ensure efficient financial management;
(2) Build the direct teams’ capacity to take-on additional responsibilities in step with the strategic growth of the organisation;
(3) Deconstruct and build understanding of non-finance teams to value MC financial standards and systems.

(M) Organisational Representation:

(1) Study long-range economic and legal trends and their impact on the organisation/ sectors it works in, to recommend safeguards and progressive policies;
(2) Represent MC to relevant stakeholders viz, IT, FCRA, MHA and related government authorities, legal and financial agencies, donors and CSO networks, technical advisors and others;
(3) Be an ambassador across the sector and its overlapping players, helping position MC and the ECD cause, to the best advantage.


(1) Professional qualification, or master’s degree, in Finance, Business Administration, or Commerce;

(2) Qualified CAs with experience in the development sector, will be at an advantage.

(1) Seasoned finance professional with at least 10 years' experience, preferably in the not-for-profit sector of India;

(2) Direct and supervisory experience in financial management in the social development sector, or in corporate social responsibility (CSR) entities, will be an advantage;
(3) Demonstrated experience in handling a range of Indian and FCRA grants, shall be helpful.

Essential Skills and Competencies:
(1) Belief in the vision and values of MC, and identifying herself/himself with the spirit of the voluntary sector;

(2) Commitment to transparency and an unwavering ethical approach;
(3) Excellent interpersonal and communication skills; ability to engage with teams at all levels;
(4) Ability to think strategically;
(5) Decisive, resourceful, proactive and result oriented;
(6) Experienced in working on ERP software and other cloud-based CRMs;
(7) Experienced in adapting to cultural changes within the organisation;
(8) Ability and willingness to travel to all intervention areas of the organisation.


Gross compensation budgeted for the position is Rs. 15-20 lacs per annum. The offer made to the selected candidate shall be commensurate with qualifications, experience, and salary history.

6. LOCATION: New Delhi


Strategic Alliance Management Services P Ltd.
1/1B, Choudhary Hetram House, Bharat Nagar
New Friends Colony, New Delhi 110 025
Phone Nos.: 011- 2684 2162; 4165 3612


Eligible candidates interested in the position are requested to apply using the link https://recruitment.samshrm.com/Jobs/MC, by or before January 21, 2022.

Mobile Creches (MC) is an equal opportunity employer. MC celebrates diversity and is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees.