Head of Resource Mobilisation & Communications

Last date of application
 06-Mar-22 23:59 HR

Head of Resource Mobilisation &
Communications, Mobile Creches, New Delhi


1. POSITION VACANT: Head of Resource Mobilisation & Communications, Mobile Creches, New Delhi


Mobile Creches (MC), is a highly respected and pioneering Indian NGO, operational since 1969. The organisation reaches early childhood care and development services to more than 20,000 marginalised young children each year, through workplace and urban crèches and daycare centres, in different cities of India. MC’s multi-pronged approach, comprising the delivery of quality services, capacity building, and Early Childhood Development (ECD) partnerships, facilitates access by young children and their working mothers, to overlapping rights of good health, adequate nutrition, early learning, and responsive caregiving, in a safe and caring environment.

In the strategic five-year period commencing April 2022, MC aims to accelerate access to quality ECD, by half a million children, by supporting sustainable childcare ecosystems, in partnership with government, civil society organisations, businesses, communities, parents and other key stakeholders. The organisation aims to grow its program portfolio and annual spending from Rs 12 crores to Rs 50 crores, during this period.

MC adheres to a strict safeguarding policy for children and vulnerable adults. All staff, volunteers, interns, vendors and consultants, working with the organisation, are required to be aware of, sign-off on, and comply with the policy.

For more details about MC, please visit: http://www.mobilecreches.org


Reporting to the Executive Director, the Head of Resource Mobilisation & Communications (HRMC) shall be responsible for significantly increasing resource mobilization (RM) by fostering a wide network of supportive donor partners aligned with the strategic goals of the organisation. The functions of RM and Communication, complement each other and run as a cross-functional strategy across the organisation.

The post-holder is expected to serve as a unifying force in developing and implementing these functions at the strategic level, enabling the growth and sustainability of the organisation. S/he will play a key senior leadership role, working in tandem with others, to enable the strategic direction of Mobile Creches.

The RM and Communication teams shall directly report to the incumbent.

Key Roles and Responsibilities:

(A) Strategy:
(1) Lead the design, implementation and assessment of MC’s comprehensive resource mobilization strategy, to meet strategic results;
(2) Anchor the creation and implementation of a comprehensive marketing and communications strategy to exponentially increase visibility of ECD and ‘brand MC’.

(B) Research and Planning:
(1) Analyse philanthropic funding, development aid, and other donor avenues to maximize MC’s opportunities for securing enhanced incomes, to give desired prominence to ECD;
(2) Track income trends against budgets, and plan for budget gaps in advance to minimize annual and long-term income shortfalls.

(C) Grant Funding:

(1) Ensure diversity and continuity in CSR and institutional funding sources; maintain balance between INR and foreign funds, to propel programmes;
(2) Work collaboratively with MC teams to develop proposals and budgets that match organisational needs with funder priorities.

(D) Unrestricted or Core Funding:

(1) Design and implement the strategy for increasing volume and regularity of corpus and general funds, through diverse sources;
(2) Expand the base of unrestricted funding by adding more individuals, HNIs, family foundations and other donors, through a range of initiatives.

(E) Digital Fundraising:

(1) Maximise opportunities for digital fundraising by proactively scoping best platforms, causes, festivals and other avenues, to drive annual RM plans, and position MC amongst new audiences;
(2) Oversee partnerships with platforms like Give India, CAF India, CAF America, Ketto and others, apart from certification platforms like Guidestar, Credibility Alliance, etc.

(F) Innovative Fundraising:

(1) Push boundaries for unlocking new avenues for MC to garner support viz. in-line branding, impact bonds, patient capital, event sponsorships, philanthropic networks and others, as a part of RM strategy.

(G) Brand Marketing:

(1) Leverage the legacy of MC to develop internal and external branding capabilities of the organisation;
(2) Oversee and support the Communication team, and external vendors in effectively implementing the communication strategy across traditional and social media spaces;
(3) Oversee brand alignment across MC products such as the website, social media pages, Annual Reports, Newsletters and other collaterals.

(H) Communications for Cause Visibility:

(1) Support teams to position ECD technical papers and amplify the cause of ECD as determined in the organisational strategy;
(2) Collaborate with teams to open strategic opportunities across traditional and digital media, press, radio, television and other forums, for positioning the critically of ECD.

(I) Relationship Development:

(1) Build upon the goodwill towards MC to communicate honestly, clearly, and on a timely basis with external stakeholders (viz. donors, CSO partners, government, businesses, volunteers, friends of MC, etc.);
(2) Support ED and senior leadership in identifying key opinion leaders and influence their championship of ECD and MC.

(J) Systems and Compliances:

(1) Oversee systems– both existing (DMS & PDMS) and new, to ensure that compliances are met, records are maintained, and donors are regularly updated through online and offline systems; (2) Ensure all RM and communication plans, meet with MC Vision-Mission-Values and policy norms. Ensure full compliance by MC of donor and other partner contracts;
(3) Keep track of changing regulatory norms for CSR, FCRA, IT and others, to ensure MC is fully compliant with statutory norms in its fundraising.

(K) Volunteers and Ambassadors:

(1) Steer Volunteer Management at MC by engaging with new and diverse volunteers who can add value to the work of MC in a multi-dimensional way;
(2) Support the MC team in developing a culture of volunteer appreciation and inspire them to do better for MC.

(L) Mentoring and Capacity Building:

(1) Provide supervision and guidance to the RM and Communication teams, and others within MC, in fulfilling all RM and communication plans;
(2) Build direct teams’ capacity to take on additional responsibilities, in alignment with the strategic growth of the organisation;
(3) Support senior leadership to develop a culture of innovation, agility, and responsiveness across MC.

(M) Organisational Leadership:

(1) Participate and contribute towards the overall strategic growth of the organisation;
(2) Be a MC ambassador across the sector and overlapping players to help position MC and ECD cause to the best advantage.



Applicants must be post-graduates, preferably in Marketing, Communications, Business Management, Media Studies, Social Sciences, or related field.

(1) At least 10 years work experience in fundraising, preferably in the social sector;

(2) Two to three years in leadership roles is essential;
(3) Demonstrated abilities in positioning the brand of the cause and/or the organisation, amongst wide audiences to garner resources (viz. strategic, financial, talent, social and others) is essential;
(4) Experience in communication/ marketing, is desirable.

Essential Skills and Competencies:
(1) Belief in the vision and values of MC, and identifying herself/himself with the spirit of the voluntary sector;

(2) Commitment to transparency and an unwavering ethical approach;
(3) Excellent interpersonal and communication skills; ability to engage with teams at all levels;
(4) Ability to think strategically;
(5) Decisive, self-starter, resourceful, proactive, collaborative and result oriented;
(6) Excellent in making human connections and nurturing partnerships;
(7) Inspiring, able to influence opinions and decisions;
(8) Experienced in adapting to cultural changes within the organisation.


Gross compensation budgeted for the position is Rs. 24 lacs per annum. The offer made to the selected candidate shall be commensurate with qualifications, experience, and salary history.

6. LOCATION: New Delhi



Strategic Alliance Management Services P Ltd.
1/1B, Choudhary Hetram House, Bharat Nagar
New Friends Colony, New Delhi 110 025
Phone Nos.: 011- 2684 2162; 4165 3612


Eligible candidates interested in the position are requested to apply using the link https://recruitment.samshrm.com/Jobs/MC, at the earliest.

Interviews with promising candidates are scheduled to start immediately. Candidates who apply first shall be at an advantage.

Mobile Creches (MC) is an equal opportunity employer. MC celebrates diversity and is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees.